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Google Drive File Stream Full

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The Drive API allows you to upload file data when you create or update aFile. For information on how to create ametadata-only File Adobe character animator 2020 3 1 release. , refer to Create files.

There are three types of uploads you can perform:

  • Simple upload (uploadType=media). Rapidweaver 8 2. Use this upload type to quickly transfera small media file (5 MB or less) without supplying metadata. To perform asimple upload, refer to Perform a simple upload.

  • Multipart upload (uploadType=multipart). Use this upload type to quicklytransfer a small file (5 MB or less) and metadata that describes the file, in asingle request. To perform a multipart upload, refer toPerform a multipart upload.

  • Resumable upload (uploadType=resumable). Use this upload type for largefiles (greater than 5 MB) and when there's a high chance of networkinterruption, such as when creating a file from a mobile app. Resumable uploadsare also a good choice for most applications because they also work for smallfiles at a minimal cost of one additional HTTP request per upload. To perform aresumable upload, refer to Perform a resumable upload.

The Google API client libraries implement at least one of the types of uploads.Refer to the client library documentation for additional details on how to useeach of the types.

Note: In the Drive API documentation, media refers to all available files withMIME types supported for upload to Google Drive. For a list of supported MIMEtypes, refer toGoogle Workspace and Drive MIME types.Note: Users can upload any file type to Drive using the Drive UI and Drive attempts to detect and automatically set the MIME type. Ifthe MIME type can't be detected, the MIME type is set toapplication/octet-stream.

Perform a simple upload

To perform a simple upload, use thefiles.create method with uploadType=media.

The following shows how to perform a simple upload:


  1. Create a POST request to the method's /upload URI with the queryparameter of uploadType=media:


  2. Add the file's data to the request body.

  3. Add these HTTP headers:

    • Content-Type. Set to the MIME media type of the object being uploaded.
    • Content-Length. Set to the number of bytes you upload. This header isnot required if you use chunked transfer encoding.
  4. Send the request. If the request succeeds, the server returns theHTTP 200 OK status code along with the file's metadata.

Note: To update an existing file, use PUT.

When you perform a simple upload, basic metadata is created and some attributesare inferred from the file, such as the MIME type or modifiedTime. Youcan use a simple upload in cases where you have small files and file metadataisn't important.

Perform a multipart upload

A multipart upload request allows you to send metadata along with the datato upload. Use this option if the data you send is small enough to uploadagain, in its entirety, if the connection fails.

To perform a multipart upload,use the files.create method withuploadType=multipart.The following shows how to perform a multipart upload:





Google Drive File Stream Full
  1. Create a POST request to the method's /upload URI with the queryparameter of uploadType=multipart:


  2. Create the body of the request. Format the body according to themultipart/related content type [RFC 2387], which contains two parts:

    • Metadata. The metadata must come first and must have a Content-Typeheader set to application/json;charset=UTF-8. Add the file's metadatain JSON format.
    • Media. The media must come second and must have a Content-Type headerof any MIME type. Add the file's data to the media part.

    Identify each part with a boundary string, preceded by two hyphens. Inaddition, add two hyphens after the final boundary string.

  3. Add these top-level HTTP headers:

    • Content-Type. Set to multipart/related and include the boundarystring you're using to identify the different parts of the request. Forexample: Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=foo_bar_baz
    • Content-Length. Set to the total number of bytes in the request body.
  4. Send the request.

To create or update the metadata portion only, without the associated data,send a POST or PUT request to the standard resource endpoint: If the request succeeds,the server returns the HTTP 200 OK status code along with the file'smetadata.

Google File Drive Stream Download

Note: To update an existing file, use PUT.

When creating files, files should specify a file extension in thefile's name field. For example, when creating a photo JPEG file, you mightspecify something like 'name': 'photo.jpg' in the metadata. Subsequent callsto files.get return the read-onlyfileExtension property containing the extension originally specified in thename field.

Perform a resumable upload

A resumable upload allows you to resume an upload operation after acommunication failure interrupts the flow of data. Because you don'thave to restart large file uploads from the start, resumable uploads can alsoreduce your bandwidth usage if there is a network failure.

Resumable uploads are useful when your file sizes mightvary greatly or when there is a fixed time limit for requests (mobile OSbackground tasks and certain AppEngine requests). You might also use resumableuploads for situations where you want to show an upload progress bar.

A resumable upload consists of three high-level steps:

  1. Send the initial request and retrieve the resumable session URI.
  2. Upload the data and monitor upload state.
  3. (optional) If upload is disturbed, resume the upload.

Send the initial request

To initiate aresumable upload, use the files.createmethod with
Google Drive File Stream Full
  1. Create a POST request to the method's /upload URI with the queryparameter of uploadType=multipart:


  2. Create the body of the request. Format the body according to themultipart/related content type [RFC 2387], which contains two parts:

    • Metadata. The metadata must come first and must have a Content-Typeheader set to application/json;charset=UTF-8. Add the file's metadatain JSON format.
    • Media. The media must come second and must have a Content-Type headerof any MIME type. Add the file's data to the media part.

    Identify each part with a boundary string, preceded by two hyphens. Inaddition, add two hyphens after the final boundary string.

  3. Add these top-level HTTP headers:

    • Content-Type. Set to multipart/related and include the boundarystring you're using to identify the different parts of the request. Forexample: Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=foo_bar_baz
    • Content-Length. Set to the total number of bytes in the request body.
  4. Send the request.

To create or update the metadata portion only, without the associated data,send a POST or PUT request to the standard resource endpoint: If the request succeeds,the server returns the HTTP 200 OK status code along with the file'smetadata.

Google File Drive Stream Download

Note: To update an existing file, use PUT.

When creating files, files should specify a file extension in thefile's name field. For example, when creating a photo JPEG file, you mightspecify something like 'name': 'photo.jpg' in the metadata. Subsequent callsto files.get return the read-onlyfileExtension property containing the extension originally specified in thename field.

Perform a resumable upload

A resumable upload allows you to resume an upload operation after acommunication failure interrupts the flow of data. Because you don'thave to restart large file uploads from the start, resumable uploads can alsoreduce your bandwidth usage if there is a network failure.

Resumable uploads are useful when your file sizes mightvary greatly or when there is a fixed time limit for requests (mobile OSbackground tasks and certain AppEngine requests). You might also use resumableuploads for situations where you want to show an upload progress bar.

A resumable upload consists of three high-level steps:

  1. Send the initial request and retrieve the resumable session URI.
  2. Upload the data and monitor upload state.
  3. (optional) If upload is disturbed, resume the upload.

Send the initial request

To initiate aresumable upload, use the files.createmethod with uploadType=resumable.


  1. Create a POST request to the method's /upload URI with the queryparameter of uploadType=resumable:


    If the initiation request succeeds, the response includes a 200 OKHTTP status code. In addition, it includes a Location header that specifiesthe resumable session URI:

    You should save the resumable session URI so you can upload the file data andquery the upload status. A resumable session URI expires after one week.

    Note: To update an existing file, use PUT.
  2. If you have metadata for the file, add the metadata to the request body inJSON format. Otherwise, leave the request body empty.

  3. Add these HTTP headers:

    • X-Upload-Content-Type. Optional. Set to the MIME type of the filedata, which is transferred in subsequent requests. If the MIME type of thedata is not specified in metadata or through this header, the object isserved as application/octet-stream.
    • X-Upload-Content-Length. Optional. Set to the number of bytes of filedata, which is transferred in subsequent requests.
    • Content-Type. Required if you have metadata for the file. Set toapplication/json;charset=UTF-8.
    • Content-Length. Required unless you use chunked transfer encoding. Setto the number of bytes in the body of this initial request.
  4. Send the request. If the session initiation request succeeds, the responseincludes a 200 OK HTTP status code. In addition, the response includes aLocation header that specifies the resumable session URI. Use the resumablesession URI to upload the file data and query the upload status. A resumablesession URI expires after one week.

  5. Copy and save the resumable session URL.

  6. Continue to Uploading content

Upload the content

There are two ways to upload a file with a resumable session:

  • Upload content in a single request. Use this approach when the file can be uploaded in one request,if there is no fixed time limit for any single request, or you don't need to display an upload progress indicator.This approach is usually best because it requires fewer requests and results in better performance.
  • Upload the content in multiple chunks. Use this approach if you need toreduce the amount of data transferred in any single request. You might need toreduce data transferred when there is a fixed time limit for individualrequests, as can be the case for certain classes of Google App Engine requests.This approach is also useful if you need to provide a customizedindicator to show the upload progress.

HTTP - single request

  1. Create a PUT request to the resumable session URI.
  2. Add the file's data to the request body.
  3. Add a Content-Length HTTP header, set to the number of bytes in the file.
  4. Send the request. If the upload request is interrupted, or if you receive a5xx response, follow the procedure in Resume an interrupted upload.

HTTP - multiple requests

  1. Create a PUT request to the resumable session URI.

  2. Add the chunk's data to the request body. Create chunks in multiples of256 KB (256 x 1024 bytes) in size, except for the final chunk that completesthe upload. Keep the chunk size as large as possible so that the upload isefficient.

  3. Add these HTTP headers:

    • Content-Length. Set to the number of bytes in the current chunk.
    • Content-Range. Set to show which bytes in the file you upload. Forexample, Content-Range: bytes 0-524287/2000000 shows that you upload thefirst 524,288 bytes (256 x 1024 x 2) in a 2,000,000 byte file.
  4. Send the request, and process the response. If the upload request isinterrupted, or if you receive a 5xx response, follow the procedure inResume an interrupted upload.

  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each chunk that remains in the file. Best external hard drive for imac thunderbolt. Use theRange header in the response to determine where to start the next chunk. Donot assume that the server received all bytes sent in the previous request.

When the entire file upload is complete, you receive a 200 OK or201 Created response, along with any metadata associated with the resource.

Resume an interrupted upload

If an upload request is terminated before a response, or if youreceive a 503 Service Unavailable response, then you need to resume theinterrupted upload.


  1. To request the upload status, create an empty PUT request to theresumable session URI.

  2. Add a Content-Range header to indicate that the current position in thefile is unknown. For example, set the Content-Range to */2000000 if yourtotal file length is 2,000,000 bytes. If you don't know the full size of thefile, set the Content-Range to */*.

  3. Send the request.

  4. Process the response:

    • A 200 OK or 201 Created response indicates that the upload wascompleted, and no further action is necessary.
    • A 308 Resume Incomplete response indicates that you need to continueto upload the file.
    • A 404 Not Found response indicates the upload session has expired andthe upload needs to be restarted from the start.
  5. If you received a 308 Resume Incomplete response, process the response'sRange header, to determine which bytes the server has received. If theresponse doesn't have a Range header, no bytes have been received.For example, a Range header of bytes=0-42 indicates that the first43 bytes of the file have been received and that the next chunk to uploadwould start with byte 43.

  6. Now that you know where to resume the upload, continue to upload the filebeginning with the next byte. Include aContent-Range header to indicate which portion of the file you send. Forexample, Content-Range: bytes 43-1999999/2000000 indicates that yousend bytes 43 through 1,999,999.

Handle media upload errors

When you upload media, follow these best practices to handle errors:

  • For 5xx errors, resume or retry uploads that fail due to connectioninterruptions. For further information on handling 5xx errors, refer toResolve errors
  • For 403 rate limit errors, retry the upload. For further information onhandling 403 rate limit errors, refer toResolve a 403 error: Rate limit exceeded
  • For any 4xx errors (including 403) during a resumable upload, restart theupload. These errors indicate the upload session has expired and must berestarted by requesting a new session URI. Upload sessions alsoexpire after 1 week of inactivity.

Import to Google Docs types

When you create a file in Google Drive, you might want to convert the fileinto a Google Workspace file type, such as a GoogleDoc or Sheet. For example, maybe youwant to convert a document from your favorite word processor into a Google Docto take advantage of Google Doc's features.

To convert a file to a specific Google Workspacefile type, specify the Google Workspace mimeTypewhen creating the file.The following shows how to convert a CSV file to aGoogle Workspace sheet:

To see if a conversion is available, check theAbout resource's importFormats arrayprior to creating the file. Supported conversions are available dynamicallyin this array. Some common import formats are:

Microsoft Word, OpenDocument Text, HTML, RTF, plain textGoogle Docs
Microsoft Excel, OpenDocument Spreadsheet, CSV, TSV, plain textGoogle Sheets
Microsoft Powerpoint, OpenDocument PresentationGoogle Slides
JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, PDFGoogle Docs (embeds the image in a Doc)
plain text (special MIME type), JSONGoogle Apps Script

Google Drive Vs Drive File Stream

When you upload and convert media during an update request to a Google Doc,Sheet, or Slide, the full contents of the document are replaced.

When you convert an image to a Google doc, Drive uses Optical CharacterRecognition (OCR) to convert the image to text. You can improve the quality ofthe OCR algorithm by specifying theapplicable BCP 47 languagecode in the ocrLanguageparameter. The extracted text appears in the Google Docs documentalongside the embedded image.

Use a pregenerated ID to upload files

Google Drive File Stream Full Episodes

The Drive API allows you to retrieve a list of pregenerated file IDsused to upload and create resources. Upload and file creationrequests can use these pregenerated IDs. Set the id fieldin the file metadata.

To create pregenerated IDs, call file.generateIdswith the number of IDs to create.

You can safely retry uploads with pregenerated IDs in the case of anindeterminate server error or timeout. If the file was successfullycreated, subsequent retries return a HTTP 409 error, they do notcreate duplicate files.

Note: Pregenerated IDs are not supported for native Google Documentcreation, or uploads where conversion to native Google Document format is requested.

Define indexable text for unknown file types

Users can use the Drive UI to search for document content. You can also use thefile.list and the fullText field to searchfor content from your app. For further information on searching for files, referto Search for files and folders

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Note: Indexable text is indexed as HTML. If you save the indexable text string Here's some text , then 'Here's sometext' is indexed, but 'value1' is not.

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To allow content searches, Drive automatically indexes document contents when itrecognizes the file type. Recognized file types include text documents, PDFs,images with text, and other common types. If your app saves files that Drivedoesn't recognize, you should include text in the contentHints.indexableTextfield of the file. When specifying indexableText, keep in mind:

  • Ensure you capture key terms and concepts that you expect a user to searchfor.
  • The size limit for contentHints.indexableText is 128KiB.
  • You do not need to order the text in order of importance; the indexerdetermines importance.
  • Indexable text should be updated by your application with each save.
  • Ensure any indexableText actually appears in the contents or metadata ofthe file. Don't try to force a file to appear in search results by includingterms that don't appear in the contents or metadata. Users don't like toperform searches that result in files containing irrelevant content.

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